Criminal Minds Fans: What Do You Want to See in Season 14?
Criminal Minds Fans: What Do You Want to See in Season 14?
We’re all just waiting with bated breath to see our fave crime show renewed, aren’t we? While we’re anticipating the inevitable renewal (positive vibes, people!), let’s have some fun and share what we want… no – what we NEED to see in the upcoming season with our intrepid heroes! WHEELS UP!
MC Scratch, Quantico’s Best DJ says:
A major character departure in 300, “David” or “Tara,” specifically written/directed by Breen/Joe. Combine the 13 escaped prisoners and The Believers (maybe the remaining ones joined them?). AJ to direct/write.
@WedNightGirls on twitter says:
Morgan on ep 300, to start with, then I want an update on Emily’s love life. Did we ever learn what happened to Mark? And even if we did, what if he decides to visit? I want the story behind Luke’s time at the 75th Regiment. Per his interaction to Prentiss sounds like hot tea.
Give my Reid a break, please. And I want him to have a love interest that doesn’t die on him and possibly pull some strings with JJ. She seemed to have grown even more protective of him. I’m still bitter that Abby is leaving NCIS without interacting in any way with Garcia so the least they can do is give me my NCIS crossover. Thanks! Since AJ wants a shot at directing I want her to direct one of Kirsten’s episodes. And get Kirsten writing more than one please! I also want Aisha back at direction, she did a stellar job. And of course Gube, Joe, and Adam directing too. That’s it, I think!
rusalka says:
A subtle, nuanced, redemptive arc for Reid. There’s a lot of screwed up kids been left out there I’d like to see one return. In a ‘money no object’ ideal scenario I’d pick Charlie (Evan Peters) but how about the kid whose dad was using him to lure women, or the boy from Seven Seconds.
If we meet a new family member I vote for Luke’s “pretty street” grandma. Also fill in the details of what happened with his army unit.
@KR9582 tweets:
Yesss!! I want to see more of Emily’s personal life and maybe some flashbacks of information from her time at Interpol… I’d like to see Spencer have some type of happy event since he’s had such a rough 2 years. I’d love to see his mom come back for a few episodes also. I’d love to see more of JJs kids, too.
Willowy says:
I too want to see more development for Luke. We’ve seen him be strong, compassionate, funny, and we’ve even gotten a glimpse of how dark he can go for the greater good. I’d like to see more of that. Funny how I care about him so much more than Simmons, and we’ve gotten a TON of Simmons (who’s a stone fox, by the way. I just think the team is too big). And I wouldn’t mind seeing them move towards a Luke/Tara thing. His current girlfriend seems like a Savannah clone and kinda boring. Luke and Tara getting together would be spicy, I love how they tease each other. It works better than the Luke/Garcia banter, too.
I’d also like to see Emily loosen up. She smiled on the jet at the end in one of the last eps and I gasped, because it had been so long since we’d seen her lighter side. I miss the Emily that would flip them off “I’ve got a gesture for you…”, and talk about her “Sin to Win” weekends (I know it’s not as appropriate now that she’s Chief, but just to see her lighten up and have a bit of fun would be nice). I’d also like to see her have more of a personal life (would be cool to see her dating Fiona), although I don’t know how likely that is with her doing Another Period and Drunk History on the side too.
Have some older UnSubs return (Like they did with FFF). I’d like to see Reid be reminded of the OTHER Owen he talked down, and to visit him in prison, maybe help him in some way. I think Owen from Elephant’s Memory would be a model prisoner, and would like an update on him.
I want Reid and JJ’s relationship to enrich. Even if I don’t get to ever see them technically together, I want their touchy-feels to get more intense. I want to see their ease and affection with each other, and them prioritize each other among the team. I want Reid to find love, I do, but it’s almost like it’s too late in the game to introduce a *brand new* woman for him to suddenly develop feelings for. Reid’s wary about letting new people in, and for someone to get THAT close? I maintain that he’d have to have known her for a good while (… and JJ’s RIGHT THERE *hint hInt* dream sequence, maybe?).
I’d like another flashback episode. Can’t explain why, but I just love those, and I want a big episode written by ALL of the writers together, like with 100 and “Bo Crese”. Also since this MAY be the last season I want “event” episodes, like a musical or comedy ep, or a holiday ep like for Christmas. Serious shows do them all the time now and I feel it’s about time our show did one.
unkempt says:
I’d like for the unsubs to have less airtime so more of the show can be devoted to the team forming the profile. I miss the early years when the unsubs remained a mystery until the final 10 minutes. I watch this show for the team, not the unsubs.
And I want Luke and Tara to team up more too, I love their chemistry!
JMO says:

I feel one way to solve it would be to have them to start using JJ a little more for her communication skills and a little less for her profiling skills. And for them to get rid of Simmons. I want them to start making better use of Reid whenever MGG is available. I hate to admit this but I do not mind it so much when Reid is isolated from the team. Because it just seems to me that whenever he is isolated from them often times he gets better screen time/focus than when he isn’t.

I don’t necessarily need to see her, although Jane Lynch is awesome, but I want to know how she’s doing. I hate to think of Diana sitting alone with a caretaker in Reid’s dark, gloomy apartment. I’d just like a line or two explaining that he’s found a wonderful care facility in the area where he visits her often. Her prognosis isn’t good, and I’d like to know she’s being made as happy as possible.
“David”…. we have to have a David episode. Not about Joy or Kai or Hayden or Krystall. How about his books/ writing career. Or his love of old cars. Integrate that somehow.
Call me sappy, but I’d like to see some sort of ‘update’ on Morgan & family and Hotch & Jack. Perhaps just letters or something but again, it could just be in passing in relation to some occasion (ie, Halloween, Garcia: ‘Look, Savannah sent a photo of Hank Spencer going out for Halloween! He’s <costume>” and Rossi could counter with Jack’s costume and a short note from Hotch). I’d like CM to do another Halloween episode, but that really really calls for MGG/Reid so they’d have to shoot it way earlier.
Roxie. We know Alvez has the gf now who has a drawer at his place. Can we please see Roxie again? They hinted at Alvez’ mother in 13.21 and 13.22…. maybe mom will come visit and get along with Roxie but not Lisa lol!

I think meeting some of Luke’s family would be nice. We’ve met Tara’s dad and brother. We’ve met Simmons’ family. We just met one of Garcia’s step brothers. We know JJ’s family, have seen Reid’s mom throughout the years and have met his dad, we’ve met all of Rossi’s ex wives and his daughter and grandson, and we met Emily’s mom in season 2. Luke is the only team member who hasn’t had a family member on screen yet (well, besides Roxy, and even though she’s obviously the best, it would be nice to meet some of Luke’s human family members).
I would like to see more of the agents personal lives outside of work. I would like to see maybe how they have a case for a long time for example like a week long. I would love to see many more seasons of MY FAVORITE SHOW ON EARTH.
jeid. i want jeid. i don’t just mean a little i mean a whole bunch that will make me palpitate to death. please do it, i’ll give you anything i truly mean it. oh and give reid a happy story line :)) sincerely,, bella
You are my soul’s sister!
Yes! Every CM fan I know wants JJ and Reid to fall in love. PLEASE!!!!!
I want to see a JJ centric storyline!! I want to see more of her family and her as a mother. Would love to see more about her sister’s death as well. We still don’t know why her sister killed herself. A JJ undercover storyline would be awesome as well!!! So bottom line-MORE JJ
I agree. I’d also like to see JJ in a little hand to hand combat a little more as well as a logical love interest for Reid. It’s okay to give him a family! I’d like to see JJ & Emily team Up as a dynamic duo. Their friend chemistry doesn’t even need words at times. Let them take a real creep down.
I really want to see Morgan back for episode 300… he is part of the origin family and if Reid doesn’t get him and Garcia out of that predicament that they were in in the finale then it only makes sense that Morgan would come back to help bring home his BabyGirl and Pretty Boy..
I want to see Spencer in love with Miss Einstein… a peaceful love story, without problems and without deaths. I want to see Spencer happy and safe! Miss Einstein could come to work in the Bureau.
I would like to review the exciting but quiet episodes of the early times, where stories were played without constantly endangering our heroes.
Happy Reid. Even if MGG leaves the show. Give him a girl and love/baby/family cause Diana won’t end well anyway. Or make him leave the BAU and do something that makes him super happy and where he feels super fulfilled. He’s suffered enough!
Also, preferably Reid related then, but just something incredibly good and lighthearted happening in one of the character’s personal life that’s dealt with as profoundly as the crimes. Just something good and super positive and emotional. For the contrast. If you get S14 then it just would generally be nice to have a really positive undertone to it. If it’s your last season it’ll be a good one to watch and see the characters happy and relaxed. And not just in the final episode when it all comes together. I know it’s a crime show and not relationship drama stuff but the positivity doesn’t have to come from romantic love. It could be anything.
And as others have said, Luke. He is actually a good replacement for Morgan. I’d like to see more of the character too. On a more personal level.
I wanna see Emily relaxed. Yous just wear out the characters too much. It’s humanly impossible to go through this much and spring back this quickly and keep working in that field. More humane sides please, not just serious work faces. Even if things happen at work, just more humane conversations, and not intense murder facts.
Maybe have Garcia have a baby too. 🙂 i just want love and family for the characters.
But whatever yous come up with, I hope you stay. At least just for one season so you can give love and happiness to characters. I will definitely watch the season so… whoever is in charge of this and is readin these – bring on S14 of CM!
Thanks for including my suggestions and I also appreciate the other comments. They are very thoughtful.
I’d also commend you for spelling bated correctly. ?
Heh heh, glad you noticed. And of course!
I love all the character especially Simmons, I love the diversity of the team! I do think there should be more story lines for Luke! Like and Simmons are a dynamic duo! Maybe some more bromance scenes ?? please bring back season 14 with the same cast! I hate losing casts!
Reid needs a girlfriend maybe Einstein the forensics department or Anita the friend Penelope made in cyber crimes
I would like to see more of the season 1 episodes bleed with the more contemporary episodes. I think the blend of past and present could make something magical out of CM. I would also would like to see more Unsub now than team (wait is that weird to say?). Anyway, we’ve focused on the team a lot, and I like that, but part of the reason the show exists is because well, we want to catch the bad guys. This brings me back to why I want more season 1-4 inspired episodes; they give balance to the good and bad guys. Despite the Unsubs doing extremely twisted things, it would be nice to see how they work from their POV. Of course, this isn’t 2005, and things are going to change; but it would be nice to see them.
I like your ideal of melding more older episodes with the newer! But Boooo to more UnSub! The team is the reason I watch. Less Unsub, more team! 😀 😀
Morgan return for the 300. Babygirl needs her chocolate thunder when she’s in trouble. Penelope can’t get kidnapped and then not have her boo here to save the day, I mean… its not even realistic to tell this story without Morgan.
Prentiss’ life outside of the BAU. We’ve seen everyone’s home life/dating life except hers. She’s a great character but she would be even greater if there were more dimensions to her character. Also, stop injuring the BAU women for the sake of emotional development for the male BAU characters.
Please please please let Reid find a sassy, classy and a little bad-assy (think yin/yang) girlfriend who brings him happiness. Someone who can bring out the best in him.
First, I want to state the writers never disappoint and CM is best show on TV. This is list of fun tidbits to hopefully see in CM14 & fingers crossed CM15.
1) JJ
a. More Will & kids – possibly kids in danger for a season finale – OMG, the anxiety! I have an exact scenario but I don’t think writers can do it if its not their idea. It’s a current situation in the news today.
b. Jack visiting the LaMontagne’s
c. Introduce JJ’s dad-seems to be history of Dad conflict after Roz died Just because her dad didn’t walk her down the aisle doesn’t mean he is deceased.
d. Girls Night in: Emily, Penelope and Tara have a wine/ice cream night in; set in JJ’s kitchen. I love JJ’s kitchen!
2) Emily
a. More Declan
b. Introduce her Dad. We know how her mom shaped her but what characteristics does she have from her Dad?
c. Emily CONFLICT with JJ arc. Conflict is good. The acting will be brilliant!
d. Find out Emily’s IQ. I’m sure we will learn is it very close to Reid’s IQ.
e. We find out Emily is Michael godmother.
f. Reveal Emily’s two prior tattoos
g. Since we haven’t seen Mark – Hook her up with the senator – Drake Hogestyn
3) Penelope
a. More Sergio
b. Bring back Kevin for 300
c. Since she just got kidnapped – go easy on her for season 14.
d. Definitely more writing for Kirsten
4) Tara
a. More Dad
b. More backstory
5) Reid
a. More mom but afraid at some point it will be a sad ending
b. Bring back Adam/Amanda Jackson – Reid said he would follow his case
c. Re-introduce Einstein so Reid can be happy! They made a cute couple.
More Reid and JJ’s kids
6) Will
a. A major Will arc – Hell, just more Will in general
7) Rossi
a. Flashback/Younger Dave
b. Dave contemplating retirement….. WHAT???
c. Rossi’s family life
8) Luke
a. Insight into 75th Ranger Regiment
b. Much more Roxie – maybe Roxie meets Sergio
9) Simmons
a. More backstory for those who didn’t watch Beyond Borders
10) Ashley & Elle
a. Ashley to finalize the story of her dad being a serial killer
b. Elle, see what she has been up to the past 12 years If Reid and Penelope wind up in trouble in season 300 then every x BAU member should come to help or be mentioned (Stephen and Gideon) Elle, Ashley, Kate, Alex, Morgan, and have to mention Hotch but understand if he cannot should all be involved in 300.
11) Can we please meet the pilot of the BAU jet
12) More directing from Joe, Adam, Aisha & Matthew and hopefully A.J.
13) More parties at Rossi’s
14) More mentions of past BAU agents – I think the fans would really like this.
All the character developments and whatnot listed above, yes. BUT a question that has knawed at me since the episode aired:
WHO is the man with the skull tattoo that abducts children at rest stops?! I want an episode dedicated to finding this man!!!
Would love to see more of Reid. Of course he’s my favorite. I’d also like to see more psychological unsubs. Less gore, more messing with your mind. Victims being tricked into believing things that aren’t true. Or mind control. Or something like that. Love when Kirsten writes the episodes. Want to see more of the actors getting to direct. It’s JJ’s turn.
Emily needs to loosen up a little. She’s too stiff. Hotch was very stiff. You could see him loosen up around Jack but Emily doesn’t have that. Maybe secret love notes or love letters get sent to her. Not creepy or unsub like but someone who is interested in her. From her past. You could really play that up.
I like the Luke and Tara thing. Needs to be explored more. Not every BAU member needs to hook up, but I do like those two.
Rossi needs to take the lead on a case. One from his past that only he knows now that Hotch is gone. Highlight him.
But Reid. Definitely more Reid. And more cameos by Jane Lynch. Love her as Diana. I know he takes time off -loving his indie films!! – but this may be the last year for CM and I want good memories of him.
I would like to see less focus / showing of the unsub’s actions and more focus on the psychology behind what the unsubs do. Since the show began, there have been advancements in psychological studies and the explosion of social media has affected how people behave. For instance, Facebook conducted social experiments on users by controlling the type of content they were shown in their feeds. Some people were chosen to show mostly or only negative things to see if it would depress them or make them feel upset. Others were shown happier things to see if it would make them feel better. People form groups online and pack together to bully others & sometimes it spills over in to real life violence.
Some of the most recent mass killings / terror attacks have been from homeschooled radicalized fundamentalists. There are now groups of men called “incels” (involuntary celibates) who have great hatred toward women because they don’t get laid (like the jerk in Toronto who ran people over with a van). It would be nice to see the show referencing some of the more recent events & what we have learned from them (but not in a political way, but from a psychological analysis). Reid could have a whole diatribe about social media being used to gather information on people and target them to manipulate their feelings, decisions, and actions. (Since Reid doesn’t like computers/internet much).
I also want to see more focus on the investigation and the team doing the legwork– interviewing friends, family members, going through the victim’s apartments/homes & vehicles. Getting a sense of the victims more. The victims need to seem more human & less cannon fodder. I don’t mean just the latest victim either. Some of the most powerful moments for me were when the family members were being interviewed.
For the characters, I like all of them but there are so many of them that it is hard to cram them all into an episode and give each one meaningful contributions. I would like to see them be less generic in terms of thoughts, abilities, specialties, etc. I would like them to specialize in specific things.
I would also like for Reid to get a social life outside of the BAU. Maybe he has lunch with other FBI professors. He could be mentoring a student he finds particularly adept. And maybe he could also be hanging out with people completely outside of work based on common interests. He could go and read books out loud to children and/or people who have reading disabilities or something.
I’d really like to see Luke’s mother and definitely more of Roxy haha. Oh and I would like for Garcia to have a boyfriend that isn’t just in it for like an episode like Sam was. A Christmas or Thanksgiving episode would be sweet to watch and would just be different then the normal gorie stuff but it would still be cute:)
la serie de por si ya me gusta, pero quisiera que nos desarrollaran en primer lugar un poco mas la vida reid quisiera verlo enamorado nuevamente, con un personaje mas serio y maduro con ese bigote del ultimo capitulo lo ame y no me gusta cuando no sale en un capitulo entero, me gustaría que si no va salir por lo menos lo muestren 3 minutos o 2 no pido mucho solo deseo verlo un breve momento.
con emily me gustaría ver mas su vida privada que no se concentre tanto en el trabajo, que nos muestres un poco su relación con su nueva pareja que no sea otra hotch.
con tara me gusta que dirigiera mas capítulos, que hubiera otro capitulo centrado en ella, que nos mostrara como va su relación con su hermano y su papa que nos dijeran si encontrara nuevamente el amor, que se desarrolle su relación con luke seria fabuloso.
sobre luke me gustaría ver un capitulo centrado en el ya que no hemos visto ninguno, me gustaría ver que tanto ama al equipo, ponerle una situación difícil como cada uno lo ha tenido y en especial si fuera posible que empiece algo con tara o garcía no me gusta su novia actual y que se desarrolle un poco mas sobre su pasado, su familia, donde trabajo antes, quien era antes y cosas así.
con garcía me gustaría ver nuevamente a morgan que la valla a visitar para ver como va, que nos digan como va la relación con su hermano que tanto se ven si la perdono o no ya que solo nos lo mostraron una vez y un poco mas sobre su vida amorosa
jj me gustaría que la relación con reid avanzara mas claro como amigos que ambos se tuvieran mas confianza, me gustaría ver a henry y su otro hijo otra vez que reid interactue con ellos me gustaría ver mas seguido a will y que dirigiera mas capítulos.
a mi en lo especial no me hago la idea de que lo saquen ya lo amo y no soportaría que lo sacaran pero pues me gustaría que participaras un poco mas que nos muestre un poco mas sobre como perfila o cosas así.
sobre rossi me agradaría ver un poco mas sobre el mismo y no sobre sus esposas, o sus amigas no solo sobre el que nos cuente mas cosas de el, como era cuando era joven, de sus libros que mas le gusta hacer aparte de cocinar y que igual tuviera un capitulo sobre el
en general me gustaría que hablaran sobre como le va a morgan con su nueva familia, como le va a hotch y a jack, que en un capitulo los mismos miembros nos contaran sobre ellos aunque sea 3 minutos plis.
hablando sobre el equipo entero creo que me gustaría verlos disfrutar un poco mas de la vida, que tuvieran un capitulo donde todos se la pasen bien que sigan abarcando momentos felices y divertidos sobre ellos juntos.
lo que venga para esta serie la esperare con muchas ansias.
Hi Rosario,
Great comments! While google translate isn’t the best, I believe those non-Spanish speaking readers can get the gist of your comment if I run it through:
The series in itself and I like it, but I would like us to develop in the first place a little more life reid would like to see him fall in love again, with a more serious and mature character with that mustache of the last chapter I love him and I do not like when he does not go In a whole chapter, I would like it if you do not go out at least show it 3 minutes or 2 I do not ask much, I just want to see you for a brief moment.
with emily I would like to see more his private life that is not so focused on work, that you show us a bit your relationship with your new partner that is not another hotch.
with tara I like to direct more chapters, that there was another chapter centered on her, that will show us how her relationship with her brother and her dad is going to tell us if she will find love again, that her relationship with Luke will develop would be fabulous.
about luke I would like to see a chapter focused on the one since we have not seen any, I would like to see how much he loves the team, to put a difficult situation as each one has had it and especially if it was possible to start something with tara or garcía no I like his current girlfriend and to develop a little more about his past, his family, where I worked before, who I was before and things like that.
with Garcia I would like to see again to morgan that the fence to visit to see how it goes, to tell us how is the relationship with his brother that both look if I forgive or not because they only showed us once and a little more about his love life.
jj I would like the relationship with reid to advance clearer as friends that both have more confidence, I would like to see Henry and his other son again that reid interact with them I would like to see more often will and to direct more chapters.
to me in the special I do not have the idea that they take it out and I love it and I could not bear to be taken out but I would like you to participate a bit more to show us a little more about how it looks or things like that.
about rossi I would like to see a little more about him and not about his wives, or his friends, not only about him telling us more about him, like he was when he was young, about his books that he likes to do besides cooking and that had a chapter on the same
in general I would like you to talk about how you are going to morgan with your new family, how hotch and jack are doing, that in a chapter the same members will tell us about them even if it is 3 minutes.
talking about the whole team I think I would like to see them enjoy a little more of life, that they have a chapter where everyone has a good time that they continue to embrace happy and funny moments about them together.
What will come for this series will await you with many anxieties.
Where do I start?
Definitely more Emily! She hasn’t been the same snarly and sassy chief we used to see her as! Seriously I want her to have a love life again.
Keep Reid happy for once please. More jj and her family. Luke needs a human family.
Also less screen time for the unsubscribe and more profile work
I would also really love to see more storylines for all of the characters. For Reid, it’d be great to see him with a happier story, after Mave’s death and his mother’s situation, Reid is an amazing and very loved character who deserves some more happiness and light when times get dark. He has his wonderful team who is there for him but their job can be very scary and horrible at times. Besides the BAU team, maybe Reid can find some happiness in maybe a new friend outside of work or a pet, (a love interest would be really great too). ?
I want to see Elle and Blake aagain even just for one episode…. Please
I would love to see Reid in a happier place. I would like to see Penelope happier as well. Ever since Morgan left, we don’t get to see her jovial and bubbly side as much. I really miss that. It just seems that the “new team” isn’t as bonded as the old team. I know it takes time, but when the team was all outside, as in the Alaska episode, it really showed the human side of them. (Exit Wounds?) I guess I like them going back to the basics. BUT I do love the whole cast, and I still love the show. I have not missed a single episode, nor will I. By the way, please save Penelope, Reid.
I agree that the team isn’t as bonded but we have definitely seen Garcia’s bubbly jovial side after Morgan left
I’d like an update on Hotch (maybe a text he sends to one of the team members or something like that). Also I’d like an update on Diana Reid conditions, I hate to think about her alone in Reid’s dark living room and I would like to know that Reid has found a good facility in the D.C. area so that he can visit her whenever he can. About Reid: LEAVE HIM ALONE! Like for real. He needs to be more present on the show but he doesn’t necessarily need to suffer all the time! And please please please have MGG shaved.
I want more Luke (and Roxie) and more Tara and I want another Halloween episode just like the ones in the previous seasons.
Also: We NEED an episode on Emily and maybe an update on her private life (seriously, what the hell happened to Mark? Did they break up?) and possibly an episode that focuses on Rossi: not on Joy, not on one his ex-wifes but ON ROSSI!
One last thing: Why don’t you introduce a LGBTQ character?
Criminal minds is watched world wide, please push a international flavour. Link to a visiting Interpol officer or team, even a national police unit. Even create a Moriarty to Spencer’s Sherlock Holmes.
Hi from the UK. Love, love love Criminal Minds. Miss Morgan and Hodge loads but would like to see Emily doing more than giving everyone their instructions and saying ‘wheels up’. Think we’ve lost a bit of her character since she’s become the boss and would be nice to see more of her. Also, like others I miss seeing them trying to think like the unsub at crime scenes. Might be nice to see more background on Luke as I feel that since Matt came along his character got a little lost and the back and forth between him and Garcia seemed to just stop. Other than that just keep it coming and keep up the great work.
I would love to see Reid and JJ in a relationship. Like Reid has had such a rough time these past two seasons, he deserves some happiness. And we can all see that JJ makes him happy. I’d also like to see Morgan and Hotch. We never even got a proper goodbye with Hotch, which broke my heart. And some more screen time with the cast instead of the unsubs.
YAAAAAS to Reid and JJ! ?
I would like to see Garcia with a love interest. A single father with a small child and Garcia needing the advice of JJ and and Matt to travel through parenting.
This would be great ?
First I definitely NEED a s14. Matthew Gray Gubler MUST return as the sexy genius Dr. Spencer Reid. And then I want to see lots of Dr. Reid. I know he needs his time off but the episodes he is in I want more more more. I want to see him in more of the action shots but I would also really love to see him find love with some gorgeous girl who really gets him loves him and doesn’t die. And a baby or two would be the icing on the cake. Maybe twins. A boy snd a girl.
I would like to see a follow up on an episode that the unsub is torturing men to find out who took his daughter, when in reality the little girl wondered off while her dad was asleep in his truck. Before he went to sleep someone came to his window to tell him his tail light was out with a tattoo of a skull on his hand. By the way the episode ended it looked like he was another unsub but there has been no follow up with that as far as I remember. I would love for the show to address that.
To see Elle back….as the unsub.she never got over the attack at the end if season one.or, see an old victim become the unsub.
for season 14th, i wishe sto see again SHEMAR MOORE (agent derek morgan), to keep all the marvellous teams that i love so much, to see more often JOSH STEAWART (will lamontagne) with children of j j ‘ henri and mickael, a great come back of JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT (kate calahan), and GINA GARCIA SHARP (agent sharp). after its a great suspens. its is all my best wishes. i love so much all the complete profilers, for the story, i am so touching and emotional. so passionnate, send all my great friendship for all my great friends of this beautiful show,also all the formidables productors and productors excecutives
can we get some uuuuuhhhh lgbtq+ representation in a positive light (eg, not an unsub or victim). no offence but spencer reid was written as bisexual ??? & paget has said before that she’s up for prentiss having a female love interest (jj). pls come through
I would very much like to see a main character be in the lgbtq+ community. The show has previously had killers and victims be lgbtq, but that is not the kind of representation I am talking about. Making an unsub lgbtq makes it seem like people who are gay or a lesbian (or anyone in the community, but these are the sexualities they have used w/ said characters) have something psychologically wrong with them like killers do and that’s why they’re lgbtq. And that’s not true. It’s actually quite hurtful. And making the victim lgbtq also negatively represents the community because it makes it seem like people who aren’t straight somehow ‘deserve’ to be harmed. And we don’t. We’re just trying to get through life just like everyone else, and just because we may not be straight, doesn’t mean we deserve hate or harm. Having a main character on Criminal Minds be lgbtq would very positively impact those of us viewers that are also lgbtq (and there are a lot) because it would show us how normal it is to love who we love; because if a character on TV is different and proud of it, we should be too. It would bring us comfort and great joy.
Personally, I watched a show introduce a character as bisexual and I literally wept. It made me so happy to know that a character I love so much is just like me and embraces it. Representation like this means a lot and I hope the writers of Criminal Minds realize that it’s not a bad thing it’s actually a really good thing.
Criminal Minds hasn’t ever made issue of anyone being BAD because they are homosexual or otherly identified. They’ve always treated those characters with respect. Like Adam/Amanda, or Stephen Fitzgerald, and Mark Tolson’s husband was an amazing, sweet guy. They’ve interviewed gay witnesses who were walking their dog, and have featured lesbian couples. Many of us would like to see Emily Prentiss date a woman, and Paget Brewster is totally on-board with that.
The thing is, if it’s important to show mainstream representation, then why isn’t it okay for serial killers or victims to be LGBTQ too? Because that’s what happens in real life, so why not show it? Not EVERY example of LGBTQ representation is a murderous lunatic on this show, and I take exception to the generalization.
It’s also important to keep in mind that while television IS growing and changing, this is still network. They aren’t looking to jump into overt messages in ANY form, really. As long as they continue to create genuine and sympathetic characters from all walks of life, I’m happy to see it. Also, the writers have to clear everything through the network, so ultimately it’s the network’s decision, not the writers.
By the way, have you seen Orphan Black? AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING representation on that show. AND it’s just GREAT TV.
I agree 100% they’ve been very good with that people just want a main characters to be LGBTQ but I honestly like all the characters just how they are and I don’t want them to get rid of anyone or especially add anyone to the team . But maybe when they get a new director that would be one character that would be LGBTQ and maybe this time we won’t hate them so much
I want to see more Luke! They should shine more light on his past, so people know he’s not just a big meat head. Also, less Simmons plz! Just my opinion 🙂
My, but ppl do have their opinions!
I want to see the team to arrive just in time to save Reid’s and Garcia’s life. I especially want Morgan to help as well. I want Reid to spend more time with Henry and Michael, especially Hank Spencer Morgan. I want Carlos to make up with Garcia. I also want to see JJ and Will go on a date night, then let Reid and Garica babysit their two boys.
We really want more Spence-Emily-JJ team ups and a reid love story.
First…..PLEASE do NOT get rid of any of the characters! Everytime a character leaves I feel like a family member died. Had to get that out of the way especially since reading some of the fans comments that they want someone to go….very bad idea so please don’t. The past episodes without Spencer was kinda scary…I’m not a fan of him being out of episodes. He adds a very much needed quality to the team…and he’s needed in all episodes. I would definitely love to see Morgan come back if not for the whole season at least for a few episodes. The episode when he left literally had me in tears…he is sorely missed. Thank you for such an amazing show!!
Morgan loses his wife to a disease or cancer so show can show support of the disease that affects so many. He then dates and marries his true soulmate Garcia and they have a magical “baby girl”!!!
Well that would hurt. Why would you want to kill off Savannah?! She’s definitely Morgan’s better half. Not to mention Shemar is having way too much fun running his own show. He wanted to be in charge both on and off screen and now he has that. I don’t think he’ll give that up unless his show gets cancelled and it was just renewed for another season. He’s moved on and is waving ? good bye to Criminal Minds in the rear view mirror. He might make time for a cameo in 300 if we get s14. Maybe.
Right ? I mean yea let’s just kill off this amazing character that isn’t often seen on tv a beautiful young black woman who is a great dr you know just so that Morgan can Mary his babygirl …. honestly I feel like a lot of the fans think more like un subs and that worries me
Reid love story- he dates a woman with a daughter, so he will be able to be a dad, since I don’t think the show will be on long enough for him to have a biological child. or something happens to Will, so he can be with JJ. I would love to see more focus on the team, and their personal lives. the show use to be great about that, but lately they rarely show personal stories, and I really miss the mingling on the jet on the way home from a case. also, I miss the psychological aspect. I love the episodes about psychopaths, or sadists, or narcissists. those stories glue me to the TV set. I feel like after season 6, not many casess are psychologically focused anymore and I miss that. and showcase all the unique characteristics of every character. JJ’s liason skills, Reids genius tidbits, and him mumbling random stuff super fast, Lukes time in the war, Prentiss-I would like to see some vulnerable moments with her, and mention her undercover past, Tara-showcase her skills as a forensic psychologist. we don’t see that skill that very often, she can psychoanalyze an unsub. Penelope- her perky comments and how she gets attached to certain cases, and Rossi- his relationship with gideon, and showcase his writing talents. and Simmons-talk about his time with the IRT. we barely hear about that. we love the characters. that is why we are still watching after 13 seasons. and quit hiding reid in the shadows. he is a fan favorite. let him shine.
I would also LOVE to see elle. I feel in season 1 & mostly 2, she and Reid had a cute relationship, and would love to see where she is now.
Who are you, my twin? 😀
No seriously just about everything you said, I WANT. Except maybe for showcasing Rossi’s relationship with Gideon – I think they did that perfectly in Nelson’s Sparrow – no need to revisit. Unless they wanted to do another episode with those two younger actors, because that would be welcome. And YES to the Elle love. Out of everyone that’s come and gone, she is the one I’d like to see resurface. Maybe as a private eye that they consult with, or she approaches them with a case.
Haha I know right?! And I agree with you about Rossi and Gideon- if they go that route, a flashback would be the best way. Nelsons sparrow was great.
I think Elle sealed her own fate. She shouldn’t come back. It would seem in bad taste to me. And I think they have done an excellent job of giving just enough back story to each of the team members. I’ve actually seen enough of Rossi’s wives and books he’s written.
1) Ah, Jeid is at the top of my list. Seeing JJ and Reid together just brings me so much joy! I can’t even explain it. They just go so well together and, they understand each other.
2) JJ’s kids please!!!
3) Update on Emily’s boyfriend would be great
4) Hm, maybe more team scenes, aka happy ones, you know, just them being a family
5) Morgan, Hotch, or honestly any former character to make an appearance!!! PLEASE!
6) Hm, okay, this should’ve been closer to the top, but, giving Reid a special someone, or even just talking about his love life. (*cough* JJ *cough*, just kidding…maybe)
7) An even amnt of character centric eps
8) More personal cases
9) Oh, to know what happened to Cat Adam’s baby!
10) just for dreams: Reid getting a haircut aha!
Jeid, Jeid, Jeid! YES!
First off, the writing is still great, especially for how long this show has been on. But I would love to see the emotional side brought back to the show. Lately it’s been more about the shock and fear factors rather than showing how deeply affected the team is by the cases they see every day. In the earlier seasons, no matter how horrific the unsub was, the ending jet scenes of the team reflecting on the case/victims/their job in general are what MADE the episodes. The gore is good too, but you can turn on any crime show to see that. What sets CM apart from every other show of its genre is the profiling, teamwork, and humanity. It would be awesome to see more emphasis being put on the intricacy of profiling, and how each team member has their own strengths. This and showing each of them compartmentalize, or maybe struggle to, would really humanize the characters in a way that very little shows do. Every character, especially the ones who have been on the show for years, is so complex and has so much potential. It’d be nice to be reminded that we watch the show for them, not just the unsubs.
Those are just some of my hopes for the overall quality of the show but, selfishly, I would really love to see more JJ! In my opinion she’s had the best transformation and I would love for her to have more screentime. I’ve always wanted to see an undercover storyline for her after watching AJ in other films, but any solo storyline would be incredible!! We’ve seen in 200 how well AJ can carry an episode, and I think it’s time we see that again 🙂
I also have always wanted the fact that Emily is a trained spy to be acknowledged again. I think that’s a really unique part of her character and could potentially open the door to a lot of cool storylines. These characters aren’t done, and the show still has more stories to tell, so I hope it continues on for many more seasons!
I also agree with everything you have stated inwouldnalsomlove to see more JJ but more so on her past like to touch base on her sisters suicide and how 11 yr old JJ dealt with that and why she played soccer only because it was her only way out of that small town which she seems to hate. JJ has been I the show since season 1 and we don’t know much of her before the BAU . Also would like to see more on luke and I don’t just mean interactions with Garcia and Tara ( we’ve already seen this ) and also Simmons these new characters we need to get to now more we’ve learned about Tara and Her past and her family we’ve learned of Luke’s past and have seen Simmons family but i think we need to learn of likes family and more of Simmons past their hasn’t been a episode that focuses on luke so that would be good to see but hay being said we don’t need episodes that focus on the characters to learn more about them.
yes! yes! yes! to this comment!
I can go along with most of this but leave Reid’s hair alone ?
Please just shoot more Emily scene. I feel like she has not been the same person as before after her return in S12. Even though she’s now the unit chief, she doesn’t have to be the same with Hotch. She can still be humorous and somewhat flirtatious. I think it would be the best if the writers review past episodes, especially S1-S7, to see who Emily used to be. Please bring back Morgan for at least 2 episodes and give us more Morgan/Emily scene. I always love them as a couple in the field. Also, since S14 may be the last season of CM, please bring Hotch back for one episode, maybe the last episode. The team with Hotch, Morgan, Emily, JJ, Reid, Garcia, and Rossi makes me the happiest.
I’d also like to see more intelligent, resourceful victims. They have them on occasion, like the girl who put hot peppers in her soda and tried to spray it in the abductor’s eyes, and the girl who got HER ARM CHOPPED OFF but escaped anyway, or the girl who was getting shot at with arrows in the woods who turned the tables on her hunters.
But they’ve been rare and I always get a huge kick out of the victim NOT being your typical whimpering or screaming meemee. Whether they fight the UnSub, or successfully talk him down by psyching him out somehow, is always a cool thing to see.
I personally want to see more of JJ I love that character & feel that she’s always been sidelined. Every other character that is & has been on the show has been somewhat of an “over achiever” everyone has a specialty a certain skill, qualification or something in their background that sets them apart ie ; Genius linguistics / undercover/ bomb squad / sign language/ speaking 10 languages( a bit exaggerated) / Army/ spy / hacker / dr/ teacher / author / I could go on forever but that’s more than enough … and for JJ it was just left at communications. I just would like them to give her something also that sets her apart also just like they do with every other character. Personally would love to see her undercover or something big.
Even though JJ is one of my favorite all-time characters, I can’t agree that she’s been sidelined. JJ has had MAJOR focus, every season, including the first, where she even did profiling with the team. Yes, her primary function was liaison and “ship’s counselor” if you will, but she has been integral since the first season.
That said, I’m always up for more of her onscreen, especially if it involves her and her Spence.
JJ was sent to Afghanistan and ended up losing her baby and later getting kidnapped and tortured by people she thought were her allies in Afghanistan. Then a year later she had to work through her PTSD. She’s had quite a story I think. Not to even mention losing her sister to suicide and her marriage and kids. I think she’s had some pretty strong background episodes.
I’d like to see more episodes with Reid, JJ, Rossi, Prentiss to take the lead. Personal type episodes, where a certain case gets to them, we learn something new about them, or they are more interested in it like Reid did in the finale, Believer. The team feels disjointed at times, if that makes any sense?
I don’t mind going home with our leads, but if we do, I’d like it to be mostly with our original team, and I guess Luke, that poor guy has been sidelined right next to Reid.
More team, less UnSub focus. I just want more mystery, have me at the edge of my seat, where I try to figure out what’s going to happen next. I feel lately how the episodes playout is predictable.
It would be great if Morgan returned for the 300th, but if that does happen, I hope he’s more included in the team and not just a drop in like his last 2 appearances.
I’d really like to see Hotchner return, but I know that’s never going to happen (maybe). I guess he’ll just live on in my “fan fiction”
Some might think bringing Elle back is too late, but things could come full circle with a return, or appearance from her.
After 7 weeks of no new episodes..I just really want more episodes.
Ok YAY!! I get to pick what is next. So, first of all, PLEASE DO NOT LET DR. SPENCER REID ( Or as I call him, Spence) OR PENELOPE GARCIA. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND EVERYTHING THAT IS GOOD. PLEASE< LEAVE THEM ON THE SHOW! PLEASE! Ok, sorry. Second maybe if Morgan would appear on the 300TH episode. BUT PLEASE MOSTLY NUMBER 1. Maybe if Reid got a GF.
Hello I love this show and everyone who is apart of it!! I honestly think it is time to give Reed a new love interest! There is one pacific episode where he saves a young lady from a stalker. There was chemistry between the two. You should definitely bring that young lady back and make her a part of the team. Maybe have her work with Garcia! Now would be a good time since Garcia is being held!! Please please think about this scenario!😊😊😊😊
I would like them to touch up on JJ and Emily’s talk of what if’s and if only’s because that seems to be a subtle undertone for JJ in season 13 plus it would bring them closer because their friendship (cough relationship) isn’t as close as it used to be and I know a lot of people including myself miss them. The jemily chemistry is so important to the show whether it’s romantic or platonic because they always help each other and we need more of that. Ladies loving and supporting other ladies
JJ is happily married to a loving husband and has 2 children. Emily is now the boss. Of course their friendship has changed some.
If any relationship changes happen I’d like to see JJ with Reid. But that would require Will’s departure and I really like him. I don’t think either JJ or Reid would cheat.
I would reallly like to see more of Emily’s personal life, we haven’t had a centric of her in a while. It would be great to see her have a love life. Oh and some emotion from her, crying, breaking down, or happy, sassy the way she used to be.
Derek to Marry Emily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or at least find out they did have a crush on each other because it was obvious.
lol wow no. 😀
I think even though Shemar Moore and Thomas Gibson left the show, you can still make it interesting. I personally enjoy watching only old characters because they play so interesting, not to offend anybody but the new cast is very boring I lose my interest when I’m watching them. I wonder if they can get some interesting characters to the team.